Are you planning to or already homeschooling your children? If you have preschool-aged children, chances are that you have already begun to provide them with a variety of educational experiences. Is second-language study included within these activities?
Do you speak a second or third language? How old were you when you first began to learn it? You may be aware that children are able to learn a second language easier when they’re young. Experts agree that introducing foreign languages to children before they’re 5 can be quite effective. When they learn a second language, they can learn a third even easier and faster.
Children naturally acquire language skills up until they are 8 years old. This is accomplished in the same way that they learn their first language, through imitation, repetition, songs, and games. When they’re between the ages of 8 and 12, it is not as easy for children to hear and reproduce new sounds. While they can still learn a second or even a third language after this, it may prove to be more challenging. Many children, however, do have a proclivity for multi-language acquisition.
Foreign language requirements are mandated in many counties outside the United States. Students in these countries usually begin to learn a foreign language when they are 8. In the United States, however, many students may not have access to foreign language instruction until they’re in junior or senior high school.
The Summer Institute of Linguistics reported that over 66% of children throughout the globe are bilingual. In the United States, just 17% of the population speaks a language other than English. Part of the reason for this likely pertains to the unavailability of foreign language instruction until junior or senior high.
Spanish, for example, is the second most common language spoken in the world, according to census reports. Data indicates that there are more people that speak Spanish than English. Given this, why not incorporate a Spanish curriculum for kids with your homeschooling program?
In addition to Spanish storybook sets, there are other materials that may appeal to you and particularly your child. Homeschool Spanish curriculum for children also includes a variety of lessons and supporting materials. When you introduce your child to Spanish curriculum for kids, they will also have fun interacting and practicing their new skills with family members and friends.
Since your children’s ability to pronounce unfamiliar sounds and incorporate new grammar rules is greatly enhanced before they’re 6 years of age, it’s important to take advantage of this time period. When you use Spanish curriculum for kids, you will be providing them with a valuable second-language experience.
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