What Is A Typical Plumbing Service?

In this YouTube video, Reliable Plumbing and Drain talks about general plumbing services. There are different types, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal. Each type of plumbing system works by allowing good water into a building and removing polluted or wastewater.

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Residential plumbing systems service household or duplex plumbing issues, including drain issues, sewer backup, leaking faucets, or faulty water heaters. Residential is classified as anything pertaining to a home, duplex, or condo building of four units or less.

Light commercial or commercial buildings include apartments, duplexes, condo setups, and business buildings of more than four units located in the same building structure. These establishments have larger water system boilers and more complex interconnected piping.

Industrial plumbing systems deal with factories, farms, manufacturing plants, and other similar production sites. The piping here could be more extensive and will have different regulated water pressure settings and sewage handling rules.

Municipal water systems are similar, but the piping surrounds city or state-owned properties like parks, pools, well pump systems, sewage plants, and other similar structures. Here problems may include street drainage issues, pump failure, and consulting on materials needed for repairs.