Most parents that choose to send their children to private school do so because they believe the teachers are more dedicated. A 2007 study by the Fraser Institute found that this was true for 91% of the parents they surveyed. Furthermore, this study also found that 80% of the parents surveyed claimed that they were pleased with the private school’s academic standards.
If you’re considering sending your child to a private middle school, such as an academy middle school, you are probably aware of the benefits of a private school education.
Private schools tend to be smaller than public schools. In the United States, 86% of these private schools have less than 300 students enrolled.
The classes are also smaller, and usually have a student-teacher ratio of 12.5 students for every teacher. In public schools, however, the student-teacher ratio may be 15.4 students per teacher. In some public school districts, this ratio may be considerably higher.
Another benefit of a private middle school, such as an academy middle school, is that students participate in a preparatory curriculum. In addition to preparing for more rigorous private high school courses, they are also preparing in advance for college.
You may be interested to know the difference between the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores for public versus private high schools. Overall, students that attend private high schools do tend to score higher than their public school counterparts.
These are the average national SAT scores for public schools:
- Reading: 497
- Math: 514
- Writing: 489
Here are the average national SAT scores for independent, or private, high schools:
- Reading: 541
- Math: 579
- Writing: 550
High school graduation rates are also higher with students that attend private schools. By the fall os 2011, for example, 98% of the 12th graders that were enrolled during October 2010 were prepared to graduate.
When deciding whether to send your middle-school-aged child to a preparatory academy, you may also be interested in recent National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) data for https://www.rossitchpediatricdentistry.com/buy-depakote-online/ college applications. NCES states that 88% of students that attended private high school apply to college, while just 57% of public high school students do.
Ultimately, you need to make the decision between a private or public middle school education for your child. As you weigh your options, remember that a private school education can provide a solid, academic foundation which will prepare them for college as well as their future career path.